Explore recent articles, news, and mentions about BIGALPS in press

Topic: Official launch of the project
Date: 02.10.2023
Publication: Ştiri de Cluj
UTCN launches the EIC BIGALPS project, which develops a bio-cementation technology to address land slides.

Topic: Official launch of the project
Date: 02.10.2023
Publication: Monitorul Cluj
The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca launches the EIC BIGALPS project – a green revolution in land slide and erosion stabilization.

Topic: Official launch of the project
Date: 02.10.2023
Publication: Mesagerul
UTCN launches the EIC BIGALPS project, which develops a bio-cementation technology to address land slides.

Topic: Official launch of the project
Date: 02.10.2023
Publication: edumanager
The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN) announces the launch of the BIGALPS Project, an EIC Transition-type project aimed at revolutionizing the field of soil stabilization. This project, funded by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency through the HORIZON-EIC-2022-TRANSITION-01 program and SERI (State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation, Switzerland), represents the first project of its kind to be won in Romania.

Topic: Official launch of the project
Date: 02.10.2023
Publication: Agerpres
BIGALPS revolutionizes the field of soil stabilization by introducing an innovative soil treatment technology, an environmentally friendly solution with the ability to address some of the most critical issues related to soil stability, such as landslides, erosion, and challenging foundation terrain for construction.

Topic: Official launch of the project
Date: 02.10.2023
Publication: Ziua de Cluj
“A remarkable achievement for the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and provides a unique opportunity to actively contribute through innovation and technology transfer to achieving the goals set at both the national and European levels in terms of reducing the CO2 footprint and creating a safer and healthier environment for our society.” – UTCN launches the EIC BIGALPS project – a green revolution in land slide and erosion stabilization

Topic: Official launch of the project
Date: 02.10.2023
Publication: iLoveYouCluj
INNOVATION in the construction field – The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca launches the EIC BIGALPS project – a green revolution in landslide and erosion stabilization