Management and coordination
Lead Beneficiay: UTCN
Objective of the WP: Manage and monitor BIGALPS and ensure that the project technological and business objectives are met with high quality, in time and within the approved budget through efficient coordination and risk management.

Business model development, adaption, and initial validation
Lead Beneficiay: UTCN
Objective of the WP: a. Provide a concrete pathway for market uptake of the bio-cementation technology, b. Achieve an attractive and realistic business plan and investment proposition for future investors.

Technology transfer and design of production units
Lead Beneficiay: EPFL
Objective of the WP: To design production units for two different European markets (Romania and France), b. Provide the engineering design of the soil treatment for each of the three pilot projects

Technology maturation and adaptation for erosion – Pilot project France, PP1
Lead Beneficiay: INRAE
Objective of the WP: a. Mature & validate the technology and assessing bio-cementation as a means to increase resilience of critical infrastructure to erosion. b. Develop a business case and live-showcase the technology to potential future market up-takers

Technology maturation and adaptation for landslide and foundation base – Pilot projects Romania, PP2, PP3
Lead Beneficiay: UTCN
Objective of the WP: a. Mature & validate the technology for 2 major soil stability problems – foundation soil improvement and slope stability b. Develop a business case and live-showcase the technology to potential future market up-takers

Technology and business adaptation based on end user experience
Lead Beneficiay: EPFL
Objective of the WP: a. Provide an analysis of the technical performance and economical costs incurred during the pilot projects and identify margins for potential improvement, b. Validate the readiness of numerical models for bio-chemo-hydraulic processes in real geosystems, c. Establish a set of guidelines and protocols for the technology implementation based on lessons learned, market needs and the regulations.

Exploitation and Dissemination for scientific, social impact and market uptake
Lead Beneficiay: UTCN
Objective of the WP: a. To enable and ensure the two-way communication about BIGALPS and its results to multiple audiences (stakeholders (public entities, private companies, etc.)) and show the impact and benefits of BIGALPS solution, b. To enable use and uptake of results of BIGALPS and maximise the impact of EU funded research.